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Refugee Connected Education Challenge

As the world increasingly turns to technology-supported learning, refugee learners and their host communities are digitally divided from their peers and the global community.

Schools and communities hosting refugees often lack the digital resources, skills, and knowledge to ensure learners thrive in a progressively digital world.

Building on SDG4 and the Transforming Education Summit (TES) Call to Action on Digital Learning, UNHCR has therefore launched the Refugee Connected Education Challenge (RCEC), calling on partners to commit to closing the digital divide to achieve universal access to high-quality connected education for refugees on par with nationals by 2030. 

The time to act is now.

UNHCR needs you to act now. We call on society’s stakeholders, governments, private sector and partners to commit to the Refugee Connected Education Challenge and close the digital divide refugee and displaced learners face.

Through the Refugee Connected Education Challenge (RCEC), UNHCR and partners will advocate for access to high-quality connected learning for all refugees by 2030, working with governments and partners to make tangible commitments towards bridging the widening digital gap. 

We must ensure that schools hosting refugees are prioritized and meaningfully included in global and national digital education and connectivity efforts. Only then will we be able to achieve SDG4 and provide more equitable futures for refugee children and youth around the globe.

Focus areas of the Refugee Connected Education Challenge

The Challenge partners will support catalyzing investment and commitments from stakeholders working in connected education, which align with the three Cs framework from the TES call to action for assuring and improving quality digital public learning for all: 

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Global Refugee Forum pledges

At the 2023 Global Refugee Forum, ambitious, multi-partner pledges will leverage expertise, innovation, and financing to demonstrate tangible progress towards access to quality connected education for refugees.

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Challenge Action Group and Engagement

Recognizing the need for joint and coordinated action to ensure access to quality connected learning for all refugees, UNHCR has established a Challenge Action Group, comprised of stakeholders across sectors: the private sector, multilateral institutions, non-governmental organizations, civil society actors, networks and agencies, to identify needs and barriers for refugee inclusion in connected education.

Current Challenge group members include a wide range of partners from UN agencies (UNESCO, UNICEF, ITU, GIGA), NGOs (Learning Equality, IRC) foundations (Vodafone Foundation, ProFuTuro, Dubai Care), technology companies (HP), global networks (INEE), and research entities (EdTech Hub).

The Challenge Action Group will convene regularly to draw on the analysis of gaps identified, propose solutions and steer the direction and investment.

Apart from guiding the GRF pledge formulation, members will collectively support to: 

Identify and address strategic gaps

refugees face globally in accessing connected education and needs expressed by national governments for support.

Guide partners and stakeholders

in making commitments towards ensuring that refugees have universal access to high-quality connected education. 

Share learning and amplify voices

from examples of best practices of inclusion of refugees in connected education initiatives in global conversations. 

Advocate for and commit targeted resources

which support refugee inclusion in national initiatives for connected education. 

Under the RCEC, a study will assess whether global investments in connected education are reaching refugee populations. The RCEC Action Group will be key conveners in building out opportunities to fill the gaps identified in this study.

The Challenge Action Group will operate for an initial period from June 2023 until the High-Level Officials Meeting in December 2025. During this period, the Challenge Action Group will decide on the best mechanism to progress the goals of the Refugee Connected Education Challenge in ensuring universal access to high-quality connected learning for refugees after 2025.

Evidence building for Connected Education

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Submit your commitment

Would you like to announce a commitment towards the Refugee Connected Education Challenge?

Join us

Would you like to be a Challenge member? Please confirm your interest by contacting the UNHCR Connected Education team: [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected]